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Bernina #39 Embroidery Foot With Clear Sole

EAN: 0314067200 SKU: 031406.72.00 Categories: , ,

Original price was: $46.87.Current price is: $37.50.

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Ideal for buttonhole seams, appliqués and decorative stitches

  • Superb effects achieved by couching perle yarns
  • Sewing off-the-edge scallops and raised effects
  • Simultaneous sewing of reinforcing thread or elastic thread
  • For 5.5 mm and 9 mm machines
Embroidery Foot with Clear Sole #39 is an extremely versatile tool. This presser foot is outstanding for compact decorative stitch patterns, satin stitching, and appliqué, as well as for sewing off-the-edge scallops. Another plus is the small hole in the center of the foot, which serves as a guide for cording and feeds it directly under the needle. Decorative stitching with raised effects is also a breeze with Embroidery Foot #39. An updated version of the ever-popular Embroidery Foot #6, this presser foot affords a clear view of the stitching area at all times, thanks to its transparent sole.


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